Turn A Question Mark Box � Into An Emoji

You're there on your trusty phone that does not support the latest Android, or iOS. Or your Mac from 2010 that just won't die.
What's the problem? This is:
Everyone is upgrading their phones, loving the new emojis, and you're seeing a question mark � or a box with an X in it ⮽ which means missing all context of what they're saying.
Update: November 2017. iOS 11.1 is experiencing a question mark box issue on iOS where the letter "i" turns into a letter A and a question mark box. Here's what's going on. This is different to the usual "missing character" issue described in this article.
What's in the box?
I'll warn you now, this isn't a great solution. You're not going to want to do this for every single message, all day long. But you can find out what's in the box.
Step 1: Copy the text which contains the missing emoji:
Step 2: Tweet the emoji to @botmoji:
Step 3: Botmoji will tell you what the emoji is:
This works on any platform, and tapping the image preview will go to the relevant page on Emojipedia showing how it looks on every platform:
So give Botmoji a tweet whenever you need a hand with that missing emoji, and she'll get back to you right away.
In Summary
Copy, Paste, Tweet:
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