Whatโ€™s New on World Emoji Day 2024

Happy World Emoji Day 2024! Emojipedia's annual celebration of all things emoji is now in its eleventh year, and here's a quick rundown of what's been happening as part of this year's celebration!

Whatโ€™s New on World Emoji Day 2024

Happy World Emoji Day 2024! Emojipedia's annual celebration of all things emoji is now in its eleventh year, and here's a quick rundown of what's been happening as part of this year's celebration! ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ“…๐Ÿฅณ

๐Ÿ› Emojipedia's New Emoji Playground

To celebrate our 11th annual World Emoji Day, we here at Emojipedia have launched a brand new section of our site: the Emoji Playground.

Debuting with a selection of emoji quiz games alongside the classic Emoji Mashup Bot, the Playground will be our hub for emoji-based experiences going forward.

Above: the hub page of Emojipedia's new Emoji Playground section at its launch as part of World Emoji Day 2024.

๐Ÿ’– New Emojis for 2024-2025

Emoji 16.0 is due for approval on 10 September 2024 alongside Unicode 16.0, and there's no better time than World Emoji Day to look ahead to the final candidates and get a feel for what new emojis will likely be arriving on our phones in 2024-2025.

This is our ninth year releasing our Emojipedia Sample Designs ahead of Unicode's official recommendations later in the year. As always, these designs have been created by Emojipedia's Head of Emoji Design Joshua Jones.

โ˜„๏ธ Semrush x Emojipedia Emoji Marketing Minicourse

We here at Emojipedia have collaborated with the digital marketing platform Semrush's Academy and Gen Z copywriting agency Word Tonic to create the world's first Emoji Marketing Mini-Course.

The first 50 people who complete the course today on World Emoji Day 2024 and share their certificate online will receive a custom-designed emoji image commissioned by Semrush.

๐Ÿฆ„ JoyPixel's 9.0 Debuts

JoyPixels have released version 9.0 of their freemium emoji set. This new update contains support for Emoji 15.1, as well as a series of design changes that include the majority of flag and symbol emojis

Above: all the new emojis from within today's JoyPixels 9.0 release for World Emoji Day.

๐Ÿ† World Emoji Awards

The 2024 World Emoji Awards results are in, and here are all the winners!

  • Next, the โœจ Sparkles emoji has been awarded our annual Lifetime Achievement Award.
    • This has been awarded based on its enduring popularity (it has been amongst the world's top 10 most used emojis since June 2015) and its recent adoption as the go-to symbol to encapsulate the "magic" of many tech platform's innovative new A.I. features.

๐Ÿ‘€ More on World Emoji Day

The more playful side of World Emoji Day isn't generally covered in detail here on Emojipedia, but to see what's been happening the best place is the #WorldEmojiDay hashtag on your social platform of choice.

Or check out the official World Emoji Day accounts:

...and of course the websites: