Top Emoji Requests 2017

Over the course of the year, Emojipedia receives a considerable amount of feedback from our users.
Some of this would be best directed to vendors (the appearance of specific emojis on specific platforms); and a great deal of this is for emojis that have already been approved but aren't yet on a some platforms.
Other feedback relates to emojis that don't (yet) exist.
Emojipedia Top 40
Here's the top 40 requests from Emojipedia users collected over the past 12 months via email, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
These have been sorted into categories, with similar requests grouped together.[1]
- Afro
- Bald
- Curly Hair
- Nurse
- Redhead
- Tooth
Above: Missing hair colors and styles.[2] Mockup: Emojipedia.
- Grimacing Face With Smiling Eyes (aka Apple's old Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes)
- Party Hat Smiley
Above: Party Hat Emoji by Colour Box.
- Confused / "Question Mark" Face
- Italian "Kissy Chef Face"
Above: "Italian Kissy Chef Face" mockup by Jen Lewis.
- "Heart Shape" Hand Gesture
Above: Hand-heart gesture. Photo: Dylan Cronk.
- Fingers All Together
Above: Fingers All Together. Image: Huffington Post.
- Small Amount (index and thumb close together)
- Salute
Animals and Nature
- Badger
- Flamingo
- Hippopotamus
- Kangaroo
- Sloth
Above: Kangaroos boxing. Photo: Dellex.
- Lacrosse
- Roller Skate
- Softball
Above: Softball emoji is not currently available. Image: Wimberley High School.
Food and Drink
- Bagel
- Cupcake
- Mango
- Mate
- Takeaway Coffee
Above: There are many cake emojis, but cupcakes remain popular. Image: SusieCakes.
- Broom
- Disco Ball
- Gavel
- Knitting
- Nail
- Rubber Stamp
- Screwdriver
- Sewing
- Spade/Shovel
- Walking Stick
- Wheelbarrow
Above: A number of objects have more than one meaning. Image: CEphoto, Uwe Aranas.
- Hills / Countryside
- Hindu Temple
Above: A Hindu Temple could complement โช๏ธ๐๐ in the list of places. Image: Paul Mannix.
- Infinity
Flags are a separate matter, as some of these are now possible with Emoji 5.0 subdivisions. Others don't have ISO codes because they aren't regions, or for various other reasons.
These are being listed separately here, to note the most popular requests that aren't currently available.
- Aboriginal Australian
- Catalonia
- Kurdistan
- Northern Ireland
- Pan-African Flag
- Pansexual
- Sami
- Texas
- Torres-Strait Islander
- Transgender
Above: Australian Aboriginal Flag has no ISO subdivision code, yet is frequently requested. Image: Peripitus.
Other Requests
These requests are variations of existing emojis. Diverse families are technically already possible though there are challenges in implementing this large set.
Other examples here could be encoded individually, or could rely on new mechanisms.
- Diverse Families
- White Wine
- Beer Colors
- Ice Cream Flavors
- Change Directions (left-right)
Above: Diverse families are already possible if vendors wish to implement. Mockup: Emojipedia.
Those interested in submitting an emoji proposal can check out the full details from Unicode.
Unofficial places to gauge feedback on an emoji idea include Emoji Vote and Emoji Request. First though - search to check that your emoji doesn't already exist!
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