emojidex comes to Emojipedia

emojidex comes to Emojipedia

From the team that brought us Phantom Emoji, the first open source emoji project, comes emojidex[1].

emojidex provides a full set of emoji images which are free to use, and come with an API for developers looking to integrate in their projects in what the developers call their emoji as a service platform.

Starting today, Emojipedia lists emojidex alongside other emoji vendors.

In addition to regular emojis, emojidex supports modifiers and flags.

Character support includes emojis from all versions of Unicode, including the forthcoming Unicode 9.0:

Above: Rolling on the Floor Laughing (ROFL) is new in Unicode 9.0.

Plans to include ZWJ sequences such as the ๐Ÿ‘โ€๐Ÿ—จ Eye in Speech Bubble and extended families are also underway.

Additional emojis additional to those available as part of the Unicode Standard are available as user-contributed images on the emojidex website.

  1. Capitalized as "emojidex" with a lowercase 'e' out the front, I am told ๐Ÿ˜ฌ โ†ฉ๏ธŽ