Deadline for 2017 Emoji Proposals

Those planning on submitting an emoji proposal to Unicode should be aware that the deadline for 2017 approvals is October 1, 2016.
Unicode states:
To be considered for inclusion in the release of the Unicode Standard for a given year, proposals must be submitted before October 1 of the preceding year. Proposals should be submitted as early as possible in the year, however, to allow time for modifications…
The next release of the Unicode Standard is Unicode 10.0, which is scheduled for release in mid-2017.
Therefore in order for an emoji to be considered as a candidate for the next release, this must be submitted to Unicode no later than October 1, 2016. The next Unicode Technical Committee meeting — the one that decides the list of emoji candidates — is to be held in November 2016.
Current emoji candidates for Unicode 10 include Orange Heart, Curling Stone, Dumpling, and Face With One Eyebrow Raised.
Above: Current Unicode 10 candidates. Images: Emojipedia Sample Image Collection.
If you haven't yet started an emoji proposal, it should be noted that Unicode does not take suggestions for new emojis, but instead requires a proposal to meet its detailed Selection Factors.
Proposals submitted after the October 1, 2016 deadline will be assessed as candidates for Unicode 11 in 2018.
More details: